Visit Korea Committee Activities

The Visit Korea Committee held the “2020 Korea Grand Sale” business briefing for companies taking part in the event. This business briefing was held at the Ferrum Tower in Jongno. Let’s see what happened there! Before the briefing, we offered refreshments and provided informational materials to all visitors during their registration. There were a lot of visitors indeed, more than expected. The committee was initially worried about the vacant seats, but the hall was eventually filled over time. The briefing started with the welcome remarks by Secretary General Gyeong-ah Han of the committee. She thanked all attendees for coming while asking for the cooperation of all companies for the success of the Korea Grand Sale. It was followed by an overall description of the Korea Grand Sale, such as the concept and differentiation of the 2020 Korea Grand Sale, including future plans. For those interested in the event, it was certainly helpful and informational! The briefing was closed with a Q&A session. In particular, the strong point of the business briefing of the Korea Grand Sale is that The companies and relevant authorities can engage with each other directly! A lot of attendees did not leave the venue after the Q&A session immediately but greeted each other and exchanged business cards. We sincerely thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the business briefing of the 2020 Korea Grand Sale. And to those who did not make it somehow,  please be sure to find some time to be at the briefing for the 2021 event as you can get a lot of information about the event and have the opportunity to meet many like-minded people
Date : 2019/11/13 | Views : 1174